Ending a chapter

November 2018


I have some news that I know at least a few of you will be disappointed to hear, so I’ll just get straight to it.

I have decided to take a break and shut down the raw milk dairy.

There are a few to many irons in the fire right now and the dairy is one that requires a good bit of time and energy every day to make sure things are done right. 

With a couple young kids that seem to need more time and attention as they grow I’ve realized I just don’t have enough time for everything right now. 

I simply have not been able to give the quality of service to our wonderful milk customers that I have wanted to and that you all deserve, and that really is not fair to you.

The dairy will run through the end of November then as of November 30, I will be shutting it down. 
Perhaps I will bring it back some day under a slightly different structure but for now it’s time to take a break.

I want to thank all of you who have been such enthusiastic and supportive customers.  I will continue to raise and sell grassfed beef and pastured turkeys as they are more flexible and fit in with the ebb and flow of family life.  

I hope you will continue to follow WintersGrass Farm as I work to provide local #MohawkValley grown products to our communities in whatever path that may take.

Again, thank you for your support and loyalty,


Jordan Winters

Mohawk Valley Farmer

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