How to find raw milk nearby in Upstate NY
February 2019
Since I recently shut down our Grassfed RawMilk Dairy everyones been asking, “where can we get raw milk now?”
So here is a guide to finding quality raw milk close to you.
1. Buy your own Jersey milk cow. This gives you the most control over the quality of your raw milk. It’s a lot of fun but also a lot of work. The cow needs to be milked and fed everyday. If you need a hobby, love animals and love to be outdoors this may be for you. Probably the most expensive option unless you find a couple friends and neighbors to chip in for the feed in exchange for some milk
2. Talk a nearby friend into buying a milk cow and back them up occasionally by helping with chores. All the benefits of owning a cow with out actually owning it.
3. Get to know a local dairy farmer. There are still lots of dairy farmers in most areas and many of them will let you take some milk from the bulk tank if they know and trust you. Look for a smaller farm, 50 to 60 cows as they will usually be cleaner. A good test is to ask to see some of the used milk filters from previous milkings. If there is no dirt or manure on the filter the farm is doing a really good job of keeping the milking process clean. There are many more organic and grassfed dairy farms now so if a licensed raw milk farm isn’t close by this might be a great option.
4. Find a state licensed raw milk dairy. These are harder to find and may not be close to you but they are usually focused on cleanliness and serving the customer. The milk is also tested on a quarterly basis for pathogens. A good place to look is
5. If you are in the Utica Rome area check out Big Brook Farm in Lee Center just north of Rome.
Andrew Smith currently milk 30 to 40 Holstein and Brown Swiss cows. He runs a very well kept and clean operation. The cows are grazed during the summer months but are not 100% grassfed. We have started getting milk from Andrew and even though he is not 100% grassfed I would still recommend him. He's doing a great job and there is value in having more small farms like his in the community. The farm is located at 6063 Weaver Rd. Lee Center. and you can call or text Andrew at 315-281-5306. If you plan on stopping by give him a days notice as he bottles milk to order during morning chores.
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