Raw Milk Test Results Update 2

April 17, 2017


We finally have all four of the test results in and all four of them were clean, no listeria. As I mentioned previously I will be posting the results online so everyone can see what we test for, and what the results are. I have to figure out what format to upload them as plus it usually takes awhile to get the official copy from the state. So it might be a few weeks.

Till then it's back to work! (not that we ever stopped) We will be open tomorrow (Saturday) from 11:00 to 3:00 and we have plenty of milk, lots of eggs, and ground beef on hand. Also, I will be sending out the bulk beef order form in a few days so look for that it your inboxes! Plus, lots going on right now so I'll have some more news tomorrow, so make sure you check back in. We look forward to seeing you here at WintersGrass Farm!

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